
The BaseConfigGetter class

class getconf.BaseConfigGetter(*config_finders, key_validator=None)

This class works as the base for all ConfigGetters.

  • config_finders – The list of finders the BaseConfigGetter will use to lookup keys. Finders are python objects providing the find(key) method that will be called in the order the config_finders were provided order until one of them finds the key. The find(key) method should either return a string or raise NotFound depending on whether the key was found or not.
  • key_validator – If provided, key_validator must be a callable that raises InvalidKey on invalid keys.
getstr(key[, default=''])

Retrieve a key from available configuration sources.

  • key (str) – The name of the field to use.
  • default (str) – The default value (string) for the field; optional


The key param accepts two formats:

  • '', mapped to section 'foo', key 'bar'
  • 'foo', mapped to section '', key 'foo'

This looks, in order, at:

  • <NAMESPACE>_<SECTION>_<KEY> if section is set, <NAMESPACE>_<KEY> otherwise
  • The <key> entry of the <section> section of the file given in <NAMESPACE>_CONFIG
  • The <key> entry of the <section> section of each file given in config_files
  • The default value
getlist(key[, default=()])

Retrieve a key from available configuration sources, and parse it as a list.


The default value has the same syntax as expected values, e.g foo,bar,baz. It is not a list.

It splits the value on commas, and return stripped non-empty values:

>>> os.environ['A'] = 'foo'
>>> os.environ['B'] = 'foo,bar, baz,,'
>>> getter.getlist('a')
>>> getter.getlist('b')
['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
getbool(key[, default=False])

Retrieve a key from available configuration sources, and parse it as a boolean.

The following values are considered as True : 'on', 'yes', 'true', '1'. Case variations of those values also count as True.

getint(key[, default=0])

Retrieve a key from available configuration sources, and parse it as an integer.

getfloat(key[, default=0.0])

Retrieve a key from available configuration sources, and parse it as a floating point number.

gettimedelta(key[, default='0d'])

Retrieve a key from available configuration sources, and parse it as a datetime.timedelta object.

getpath(key[, default=Path('.')])

Retrieve a key from available configuration sources, and parse it as a pathlib.Path object.

getenum(key[, default, enum_class])

Retrieve a key from available configuration sources, and parse it as an enum.Enum based object.


The default param accepts either an enum.Enum based instance, an enum.Enum member value type or None.


os.environ and INI configuration files shall only use enum member values, not member names, as a value.

The ConfigGetter class

class getconf.ConfigGetter(namespace, config_files=[config_file_path, ...], defaults={'section':{'key': 'value', ...}, ...}, mandatory_section=False)

A ready-to-use ConfigGetter working working as a proxy around both os.environ and INI configuration files.

  • namespace (str) – The namespace for all configuration entry lookups. If an environment variable of <NAMESPACE>_CONFIG is set, the file at that path will be loaded. Pass in the getconf.NO_NAMESPACE special value to load an empty namespace.
  • config_files (list) – List of ini-style configuration files to use. Each item may either be the path to a simple file, or to a directory (if the path ends with a ‘/’) or a glob pattern (which will select all the files matching the pattern according to the rules used by the shell). Both strings and pathlib.Path objects are accepted. Each directory path will be replaced by the list of its directly contained files, in alphabetical order, excluding those whose name starts with a ‘.’. Provided configuration files are read in the order their name was provided, each overriding the next ones’ values. <NAMESPACE>_CONFIG takes precedence over all config_files contents.
  • defaults (dict) – Dictionary of defaults values that are fetch with the lowest priority. The value for ‘section.key’ will be looked up at defaults['section']['key'].
  • mandatory_section (bool) – Boolean indicating weither requested keys should contain a section/a dot.


When running with an empty namespace (namespace=getconf.NO_NAMESPACE), the environment variables are looked up under <SECTION>_<KEY> instead of <NAMESPACE>_<SECTION>_<KEY>; use this setup with care, since getconf might load variables that weren’t intended for this application.


Using dash in section or key would prevent from overriding values using environment variables. Dash are converted to underscore internally, but if you have the same variable using underscore, it would override both of them.


Retrieve a dict-like proxy over a configuration section. This is intended to avoid polluting with a bunch of FOO = config.getstr(''); BAR = config.getstr('') commands.


The returned object only supports the __getitem__ side of dicts (e.g. section_config['foo'] will work, 'foo' in section_config won’t)


Return INI like commented content equivalent to the default values.

For example:

>>> getter.getlist('', default=['a', 'b'])
['a', 'b']
>>> getter.getbool('foo', default=True, doc="Set foo to True to enable the Truth")
>>> print(g.get_ini_template())
; NAMESPACE_FOO - type=bool - Set foo to True to enable the Truth
;foo = on

;bar = a, b


This template is generated based on the getxxxx calls performed on the ConfigGetter. If some calls are optional, the corresponding options might not be present in the get_ini_template return value.

The provided finders

class getconf.finders.NamespacedEnvFinder(namespace)

Keys are lookuped in os.environ with the provided namespace. The key can follow two formats:

  • '', mapped to section 'foo', key 'bar'
  • 'foo', mapped to section '', key 'foo'

The finder will look at <NAMESPACE>_<SECTION>_<KEY> if section is set, <NAMESPACE>_<KEY> otherwise.

Keys are upper-cased and dash are converted to underscore before lookup as using dash in section or key would prevent from overriding values using environment variables.

If the special NO_NAMESPACE namespace is used, the finder will look at <SECTION>_<KEY> if section is set, <KEY> otherwise.

class getconf.finders.MultiINIFilesParserFinder(config_files)

Keys are lookuped in the provided config_files using Python’s ConfigParser.

The key can follow two formats:

  • '', mapped to section 'foo', key 'bar'
  • 'foo', mapped to section 'DEFAULT', key 'foo'

The config_files argument can contain directories and glob that will be expanded while preserving the provided order:

  • a directory some_dir is interpreted as the glob some_dir/*
  • a glob is replaced by the matching files list ordered by name

Finally, the config parser (which interpolation switched off) will search the section.entry value in its files, with the last provided file having the strongest priority.

class getconf.finders.SectionDictFinder(data)

Keys are lookuped in the provided 1-level nested dictionary data.

The key can follow two formats:

  • '', mapped to section 'foo', key 'bar'
  • 'foo', mapped to section 'DEFAULT', key 'foo'

The finder will look at data[section][key].

class getconf.finders.ContentFileFinder(directory, encoding='utf-8')

Keys are lookuped in the provided directory as files.

If the directory contains a file named key, its content (decoded as encoding) will be returned.

Typically, this can be used to load configuration from Kubernetes’ ConfigMaps and Secrets mounted on a volume.

ConfigGetter Example

With the following setup:

import getconf
config = getconf.ConfigGetter('getconf', ['/etc/getconf/example.ini'])

print("Env: %s" % config.getstr('env', 'dev'))
print("DB: %s" % config.getstr('', 'localhost'))
print("Debug: %s" % config.getbool('dev.debug', False))
# /etc/getconf/example.ini
env = example

host =
# /etc/getconf/production.ini
env = prod

host =

We get the following outputs:

# Default setup
$ python
Env: example
Debug: False

# Override 'env'
$ GETCONF_ENV=alt python
Env: alt
Debug: False

# Override 'dev.debug'
Env: example
Debug: True

# Read from an alternate configuration file
$ GETCONF_CONFIG=/etc/getconf/production.ini python
Env: prod
Debug: False

# Mix it up
$ GETCONF_DEV_DEBUG=on GETCONF_CONFIG=/etc/getconf/production python
Env: prod
Debug: True

BaseConfigGetter example

We can easily create a config getter ignoring env varibles.

With the following setup:

# /etc/getconf/example.ini
env = example

host =

We get:

import getconf
import getconf.finders
config = getconf.BaseConfigGetter(
    getconf.finders.SectionDictFinder({'db': {'host': '', 'port': '1234'}}),
config.getstr('env') == 'example'
config.getstr('') == ''
config.getstr('db.port') == '1234'