
getconf aims to solve a specific problem: provide a simple way to load settings in a platform-typical manner.

The problem

Daemons and centralized applications need to fetch some platform-specific configuration to run:

  • Mode of operation (debug vs. production vs. packaging)
  • Address of remote services (databases, other servers, …)
  • Credentials

Beyond those required settings, an application needs to configure its behavior (timeouts, retries, languages, …).

Various solutions exist:

  • Command line flags
  • Environment variables
  • Files in /etc

The approach

getconf has been designed to provide the following features:

  • All options can be defined in a single file
  • The provided values are typechecked (int, float, …)
  • All settings can have a default
  • If I checkout the code and execute my program’s entry point, it should be able to start
  • If my local setup is slightly different from the default (non-standard DB port, …), I just have to put a simple local_settings.ini file in the current directory
Continuous integration:
The continuous integration server just needs to set a few well-defined environment variables to point the program to the test databases, servers, …
  • In a could-like setup, I can use facilities provided by my platform to set the appropriate environment variables
  • In a simpler, dedicated server setup, the application can also be configured with files in /etc
  • While providing sane defaults via the ConfigGetter class, you can easily define and use your own logic by providing the finders you want to use in the order you want by using/subclassing BaseConfigGetter.

Other options

While designing getconf, we looked at other options:

Define everything in files
  • This makes it difficult to override a single setting (where should the file be?)
  • Not compatible with env-based cloud platforms
  • dev and prod often have very different configurations, but flat files don’t provide a simple switch to set those defaults
Define everything in the environment
Requires a prod-like setup for starting local servers, with files listing the environment variables
Load a single file, which includes others
  • Quickly turns into a maze of “local includes dev includes base”
  • Hard to see where a setting is defined